What are the 7 Cs of Communication
Communication Skills are very important to speak effectively in any workplace or everyday life. Therefore, for good communication skills, we should know how to use 7cs of communication. These 7cs help us to make our communication effective. Following are the 7cs of communication which are explained in detail below.
1. Concise
Being concise means that we should be able to express our thoughts in the shortest possible, simple and meaningful words. But this does not mean that you should not keep your whole point, but you should be able to put all the information in meaningful and simple words.
2. Clear
There should be clarity in our thoughts because due to clarity it becomes easy to understand our thoughts. If there is clarity in the words, it will be easy to understand the meaning of your words and the conversation will be good. At the same time the message will be more appropriate, meaningful and intuitive.
3. Correct
You must know how to use your ideas in the right way. It is also important to have an understanding of what you should keep at what time, how and when. The understanding of your peers is directly proportional to the accuracy of your thoughts. Therefore your thoughts should be error free and accurate.
4. Concrete
Concreteness is expressed by concrete facts, thus it promotes your words and thoughts. In this, only by clear words, your reputation gets respect and more importance is given to ideas than meaning. Concrete reasoning involves the ability to analyze and correctly place ideas and things on a literal (“concrete”) level. We use sound reasoning when we have effective conversations. Eg: Must have complete and accurate knowledge about objects, and people. Concreteness refers to clear ideas and it also helps in increasing your confidence level
5. Complete
Communication is complete when we have all the information we want to communicate. Communication also includes all facts, figures and additional information that can solve every question of the person in front.
6. Courteous
Courteous means that we should know how to behave well with the person in front of us while being positive. Courteous is an important part of communication. You should respect your colleagues by communicating politely. One should be polite, sincere and enthusiastic while exchanging ideas and messages.
7. Coherent
Your thoughts should be logical and well organized and easy to understand. Must be able to express oneself in a clear way. The thoughts and messages you send should be coherent because coherent ideas are capable and meaningful to express the main idea.