Definition of a noun
A noun is a name of a person, place, or thing.
संज्ञा किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान या वस्तु के नाम को कहते हैं।
Types of noun
There are 8 types of noun
- Common nouns
- Proper nouns
- Abstract nouns
- Collective nouns
- Material nouns
- Concrete nouns
- Countable nouns
- Uncountable nouns
Common Nouns
Definition of Common Noun
A common noun is a noun that describes a type of person, place ,or thing. A common noun is common for every person, place or things of the same kind.
We can say a common noun is the generic name for a person, place, or thing in a class or group.
Examples of common noun–
Person -Boy, girl, man, child, etc.
Place -school, city, Hospital ,garden etc.
Things- pencil, book, Bag, Tree, Chair etc.
Proper Nouns
Definition of Proper Noun
A proper noun is the name of a particular place, person, or thing.
A proper noun is a noun that shows the name for a specific place, person, or thing.
Proper noun refer to unique entity.
Proper noun begin with a capital letter.
Examples of Proper noun–
Particular Person -Mohan, Ram, Sita , Rani etc.
Particular Place – Delhi ,Mumbai, Lucknow, etc.
Particular Things-Bhagwat Geeta , Vedas, Ramayana, Guru Granth Sahib ,Bible, Quran , etc
Abstract Nouns
Definition of Abstract Noun
Abstract noun is a noun denoting an intangible idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object.
Examples of Abstract noun–
Truth, Danger, Beauty ,Happiness ,Honesty ,Bravery, Freedom etc .
We can’t touch Abstract nouns . It is not a physical object.
Collective Nouns
Definition of Collective Noun
A collective noun is a naming word used to refer to a group of animals, people or things.
A collective noun is a type of noun that expresses a name for a collection of several people ,things,or animals.
Examples of collective noun-
Army, Class, School ,Group ,Tribe ,Colony etc.
Material nouns
Definition of Material Noun
Material noun is the noun that refer to the names of substances out of which things are made or the name of something which is tangible.
We can see and touch material noun.
Examples of Material noun-
Gold ,Silver , sand, cement, stone, wood, metal, plastic, glass, cloth etc.
Concrete Nouns
Definition of Concrete Noun
A concrete noun identifies something material and non-abstract and we can say
something that can be seen, touched, tasted, heard, or smell.a concrete noun refers to a physical object in the real world.
Examples of concrete noun–
Flower, music, bear, colony, milk,water, team, stars, student, pencil, computer, table, tree, fox, cloud, sunset, rain, car, etc.
Countable Nouns
Definition of Countable Noun
Countable nouns is a type of noun of things that can be count. We can say it is a count noun (The noun that can be counted in a singular and a plural form.)
Examples of Countable noun –
Coins , note, dollar , dog, book ,table, chair, bag. cat, animal, man, person, cup, plate etc.
Uncountable Nouns
Definition of Uncountable Noun
Uncountable nouns is a type of noun that cannot be counted. We can say it can be measure not countable.
Examples of Uncountable noun –
water, rice, sugar, butter, cement, gold, milk oil, etc.