- Learning Disabilities of language
- Types of Learning Disabilities and disorders
- 1- Dyslexia
- 2-Dyspraxia
- 3-Dysgraphia
- 4-Dyscalculia
- 5-Dysthymia
- 6-Dysorthographia
- 7-Dysmorphia
- 8-Dementia
- 9-Bulimia
- 10-Aphasia
- 11-Progeria
- 12-Alexia
- 13-ADHD
- 14-Auditory Processing Disorder
- 15-Visual Processing Disorder
- 16-Autism
- Problems caused by learning disabilities:
- Identification of children with learning disabilities
- Why does learning disability happen?
- learning disability treatment
- How to cure of learning disability
- How to handling children with disability
Learning Disabilities of language
Language learning disabilities have many causes that are genetic and neurobiological. These factors alter the brain’s ability to function in ways that affect cognitive processes related to learning. Problems can be of many types, such as hindering the learning of basic skills such as reading, writing and difficulties in mathematics.
It also hinders higher-level skills such as organization, abstract reasoning, and attention, and can be difficult to understand even with common sense. Learning disabilities can be diagnosed and treated. It is commonly observed that people with learning disabilities appear completely “normal” but may still be unable to perform at the skill level expected of someone their same age.
Types of Learning Disabilities and disorders
There are many types of learning disabilities which are listed below.
1- Dyslexia
Difficulty in reading, writing, speaking or can be said to be a reading problem such as reading words backwards or reading words back and forth. ex- saw is read as was
Dyspraxia involves difficulty with tasks that require balance, such as playing a game, drawing, or driving a car. It affects your coordination skills
Dysgraphia is a term that refers to difficulty in writing and typing.
Feeling difficulty in solving math problems, there is a mathematical problem in it
Dysthymia is defined as a mood disorder of the child. For example, stress, depression, lack of self-esteem etc.
Dysorthographia is a disorder characterized by severe spelling difficulties or spelling problems.
Dysmorphic disorder is a mental health disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder is the perception of a deficiency in one’s own parts in order to look good.
Dementia is a disability in which the functioning of our brain gradually decreases. It affects the mood.
Bulimia is one of the eating disorders. In this, there is a serious disturbance in the eating behavior of the person. An obsession with eating is indicative of an eating disorder.
Aphasia is a verbal learning disability
In progeria, even young children show signs of old age.
Alexia is also a learning disability like dyslexia. In which mainly there is difficulty in speech or written language.
ADHD is an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There is a lack of attention in this, the child is unable to concentrate and becomes hyperactive. This is called ADHD.
14-Auditory Processing Disorder
Central auditory processing disorder is a disorder in which the child has difficulty perceiving sudden noises and is easily distracted and has difficulty learning.
15-Visual Processing Disorder
In visual processing disorder, the child gets confused between similar looking words and does not develop reading comprehension or forgets words easily.
Autism is a brain disorder. It is a developmental disability. In this, the children are not able to keep their point properly, nor are they able to understand the point of others properly.
Problems caused by learning disabilities:
The following problems are caused by learning disability which are given below.
Emotional problem
Emotional problem children are unable to stabilize their emotions due to which they find it difficult to concentrate.
Social problem
Not being able to adjust in society, such as feeling difficulty in adjusting with other children, is a social problem.
Identification of children with learning disabilities
Identifying children with learning disabilities is not a very difficult task, just attention is needed. You can easily identify these children among the normal children of the school. These children feel difficulty in different skills like some find difficulty in reading, some feel difficulty in writing and some children are unable to express their thoughts at all. The intellectual level of these children is also less than the average as compared to other normal children.
Why does learning disability happen?
Why does learning disability happen? In the research done on learning disability, it has been found that there are many reasons for it, such as mental, physical, genetic and environmental reasons.
Genetic factor
Often this quality can be seen in the children of those whose parents also suffer from learning disabilities.
Neurological factor
Neurologically, this problem of mental learning disability also arises in the child.
Environmental factors
There are environmental factors. For example, injury to the brain or brain due to an accident also causes learning disability.
learning disability treatment
There is no proper treatment available for learning disability. But with information, knowledge and effort, attention can be paid to the child and his learning capacity can be enhanced.
How to cure of learning disability
When the learning disability is treated and taken care of, the child slowly starts gaining confidence and starts trying on his own. This is how help can be provided to children affected by learning disabilities. The role of parents and teachers is very important in this. Encourage children to follow directions. If the children do not follow the instructions, do not scold them, but treat them with more love because these children do not do this intentionally. With just consistent effort, you can teach these kids to follow directions.
How to handling children with disability
As a parent, it is important for you to know what is the disability of your child. You should treat your child accordingly. If you come to know that your child has a learning disability, then do not panic, but focus on the child with courage and courage. There are many people in the world who have reached a good position despite having a learning disability. Never scold the child on the basis of his performance in school, but always try to identify the abilities and abilities hidden in him and cooperate with the child by giving him the right advice.